


I am a multimedia artist. I am interested in
pushing the limits of "obsolete technology"
to tell the stories I see around me.


projects (anything marked with a * is hosted offsite)


~ p h o t o ~

(2018 - present) *

A photo diary
the intersection between
architecture, infrastructure and nature.

los angeles
(2017 - 2022)

Selected images from my reign
in the City of Angels.

film scans

(2011 - present)

Slowly updated as I have time
to develop, scan & edit my
carpetbag of 35mm & 110.

~ v i d e o ~

~ a u d i o ~

(2015 - present) *

My ambient music project.

~ w r i t i n g ~

plum digest
(2024 - present)

An e-zine, if you will.


(2023 - present) *

I occasionally contribute to this
wonderful photography blog.


~ Last updated 2024.12.19 ~
