& Fifth, Union & Fifth. I can't forget it. I get
the 550 to Bellevue at Union & Fifth.
Terminal" - the driver hasn't switched his sign yet, but a
murmur amongst the assembled confirms that this is the one
we want. Sound Transit buses have Luxury De-Luxe seats
compared to the hardened plastic provided by King
stop. I am fascinated by places that only exist to
facilitate the travelers' being somewhere else. Airports.
Freeway overpasses. The couple square feet of dirt in the
center divider on Coast Village Road. They're there,
unseen & essential. Undeniable. Bus stops are like
going by the Siagon Drip Kitchen but my eyes are more on
body language. We have Orange Bag & Too Many Scarves,
the main attractions on center stage (diagonally from
where I'm sitting). Orange Bag is making a point of
looking out the front of the bus so she can be the first
to scurry off, while Too Many Scarves is looking at her
phone like it's the Dead Sea Scrolls. Neither of them
notice the graduation of green to yellow to orange in the
trees just off the road. They don't notice the choppiness
of the water a few minutes later either.